Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week #15 2012 - April 9-15

Mon 4/9 - Institute day today, so ran on own at home.  Rolling Hills loop in 32:09.  Throat still sore, but better, although cold (40's) windy conditions seems to irritate it.  Got moving pretty good last   (5+ miles)

Tue 4/10 - Girls had tri meet at Schaumburg so went for quick run at lunch.  Ran Winston loop reverse into Twin Lake, back Rohlwing.  35+ minutes.  Throat seemed much better today, didn't hurt until standing around for a few hours at meet in cold (40's) and wind.  (5+ miles)

Wed 4/11 - 3.5 mile warm-up with a few quick pick-ups for strides.  Most of the distance crew went for long run.  I stayed back for track workout with Jess and Krista C.  4x 400m (:85 rest-while girls ran), 4x 300m(50walk/50jog rest), 4x 200m(50walk/50jog rest).  Hit 400's in :65ish+/-, 300's in :46, :47, :48, 200's in :29-:30.  Fastest I've gone in a while.  Felt good, but fast.   1 mile cool-down on turf with Jess.  (7 miles)

Thur 4/12 - 3 miles before practice on track (6:08, 6:00, 5:47), then went about 2 miles with JV crew not racing DGN.  Calves, swings, and drills, then 6x stride.   Did JV workout.  3 x 300m, 3 x 200m, 3 x 150m.  Hit 300m in 48, 47, 46, 200m in :28 high-:low :29, 150's in :21-:22 (some walk/jog between sets).  1.5-2.0  10 min cool-down on turf.  (7.5 miles)

Fri 4/13 - Steady long run though Deer Grove, reverse Alemars on return.  Hit last 4 miles in 6:10-5:55 range.  Ran at lunch due to Ritter Invite in evening.    Pretty tired after last couple days of speed.  (9 miles)

Sat 4/14 - Left early for PHS to get in run before Wheaton North Invite.  Pretty tired after late night at Ritter. Got in some running around Deer Grove during 5k race going on.  Wish I knew there was a race, would have been perfect.  Good solid pace most of way, mid-low 6:00.  50+ minutes, then to track for hurdles, form drills, and a few strides.  (8 miles)

Sun 4/15 - Well ended another week on a down note.  Had hoped to get up and run Run Thru the Hills 10k this morning, but had a return of my eye infection.  Not fun. Woke up in middle of night with aching eye, though maybe my contact had slipped behind my eyelid.  Could not handle any light in morning as it was super sensitive.  (0 miles)

Total miles for week = 41 miles.  Man I'm really in a funk right now.  Many training interruptions recently with illness and work schedule (meets).  I've got to seriously get back on track this week, and it will not be easy as we host 5 straight meets over the next 13 days. Been tough getting in my miles, much less being able to actually complete appropriate workouts to run fast.  Need to get in a race soon, to put some purpose behind the work.  GOAL FOR THIS NEXT WEEK.....FIND A RACE, ANY RACE....ASAP!!!!    

1 comment:

  1. It's great to have a goal. I'm sure you'll find a race soon. Won't you race at the relays? We're all behind you!
    A Berg
