Monday, January 30, 2012

Week #5 2012 - Jan 30-Feb 5

Mon 1/30 - 5.5 miles easy (3.0 before practice/2.5 to Peacock).  Drills/strides.  4x 1000m 3-hill circuit + 2x Hayleys Hill.  2.5 back to school.  (11 miles)

Tues 1/31 - 5.5 miles to Frontier and back (32:20) - 6:20's way out, sub 6:00 on return.  To track for drills on turf.  16 x 100m (short recovery) - 4:14.  1 mile - 6:40ish.  Lower body routine.  800m cool-down.  (8 miles)

Wed 2/1 - Easy long run with girls.  Ran with Ellen. 8:00 pace first 4 miles, then picked up.   7:15, 7:01, 6:49, 6:50, 6:33 on way back. (9 miles)  Upper body routine.

Thur 2/2 - 5 miles before practice (31:15), 3 miles easy with girls, to track for 40+ min core circuit.  2 miles easy for cool-down.  (11 miles)

Fri 2/3 - 9.5 miles total (easy first 4/steady last 5.5) - 58:30 total - 8 x 100m strides. (10 miles)

Sat 2/4 - 2 miles easy WU, plus drills & 4 strides, 6 x 1200m at threshold pace with 60 sec jog rest - 4:02, 4:01, 4:03, 4:02, 4:02, 4:02 (VDOT threshold pace for 4:30 1600m) on track.  2 mile CD.  Arm weights and pull-ups. mid 30's temp with light wind.  (9 miles total).

Not real sure what kind of shape I'm in.  Pretty sure I could run at least a low 4:30 mile right now which is why I set my pace today for low 4:00.  Felt nice and controlled the whole way.  Starting to feel like I'm getting into pretty good shape.  Left hamstring a little sore, but not bad.  Got to make sure I start taking care of my calves as I have a history strains come early outdoor season.

Sun 2/5 - Easy 50+ min run through Turnberry and back.  Felt really sluggish today for the first time in a while.  Likely a mixture of Sat workout and weekly miles.  (7 miles)

TOTAL FOR WEEK = 65 miles.  Finally over 60 for the first time since maybe last summer.  Feeling healthy, fit and enjoying the feeling of a solid week of training.  Looking to sign up for a race soon, just for a challenge and for experience, as I've raced so few times over the last few years.  Thinking Shamrock Shuffle, but would like to do something before that.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week #4 2012 - Jan 23-29

Last week of running before PHS track season gets started.

Mon 1/23 - Ran for 67 minutes in cold and wind.  Went a totally new route through the back roads of north CL.  Made it to Ridgewood Church before having to turn back so I wouldn't get stuck in the country with no sun light.  Good run, nothing blazing, but pushed a bit in the way back.  Just getting in the miles. Temp - mid 20's.  (call it 10 miles)

Tue 1/24 - Didn't have a plan for the day but wanted to test myself somehow.  Jogged out to the track and was surprised to see it clear of snow so decided to take a few laps.  First mile around school and to track was easy (maybe 8:00), once on track gradually picked it up.  As I got going I decided to keep upping the tempo, went 6:21, 6:01, then 5:31.  During this mile I thought about attempting a sub 5:00 mile. 

Last winter I started the year out trying/planning to run one really hard mile effort each week.  Lasted about 2-3 weeks until my foot got sore and the weather got horrible with the big blizzard.  As I was running my 5:31 I considered stopping a couple minutes and stretching, but opted to keep plugging away without a break.  Hit the 400 in :75 (thinking..."oh great, I can't slow), 800m in 2:29, 1200m in 4:43, and finished mile five in 4:56.

This was really the first hard effort I've attempting in the 4-5 weeks I've been back running.  And it did hurt worse than I had hoped.  But it is a starting point.  A reference I can now use and build upon.  We all start somewhere each season and until you really try pushing yourself it's hard to know what kind of shape your in.

After the 4:56 I added two more mile at 6:10ish pace and then ran a relaxed 4 miles with Coach Quick. Temp - low 30's. (11 miles)

Wed 1/25 - Easy 3 miles.  Drills.  16x 100m intro to speed (:16-17 sec - 4:20ish +/-).  2 miles easy.  (6 miles)

Thur 1/26 - Easy 6 miles. Drills. 4x strider on turf.  3 mile tempo on track at 5:27, 5:24, 5:19.  Had no set time going in, just went by feel.  Definitely got tough, but no too bad.  Easy 2 miles for cool-down. (11 miles) 

Fri 1/27 - 6 miles steady.  3x Extreme Core Routine (10-12 min approx each set...maybe another mile of running).  Half mile cool-down.  (7.5 miles)

Sat 1/28 - Hit the streets of CL for an evening steady state run.  53 min.  (8 miles)

Sun 1/29 - Took a day off.  Not planned, but spent the day with the kids and didn't get a good time to go out.  Probably not the worse thing after putting in some harder efforts for the first time in a long, long time. 

Total Miles for week - 53 miles.  Had hoped to get up to 60 and likely would have if not for the day off.  Plan to top 60 for sure this coming week along with some harder efforts.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week #3 2012 - Jan 16-22

Mon 1/16 - 6 miles

Tues 1/17 - Ran to Hersey and back (extended).  Pretty relaxed on the way out at just under 7:00 pace.  Picked up on the return.  Cold and windy on way back.  Last 2-3 miles at 6:00 to 5:40 pace.  Icy.  12 miles

Wed 1/18 - Ran easy run in CL around 6:30.  42 minutes (6 miles+)

Thru 1/19 - Todays run was a battle.  #1.  Way too cold.  When finished it was 7 degrees (with wind it was -8 degrees).  #2  Ran in a very hilly part of CL.  #3.  Did not get enough sleep last night.  Fell asleep on the couch yesterday evening for about an a hour watching TV.  I never nap.  Not because I don't want too, just can't with two young kids.  Well this totally messed me up.  The mixture of the nap and some restless legs (I hate that) I could not fall asleep until 3am.  And just when I got to sleep Eli starts crying.  Not sure how how much sleep I got, but I felt it on the run.

Ran for 55 min. Felt super heavy up the hills and really slow.  Planned to do a hill workout, but didn't want to push too much in the cold.  Found a great place for hill repeats (about 500m long....tried a couple...they were tough).   Maybe I'll get the team out to CL next summer:).  Ended the run with 5 down hill striders...too cold for more.   (8 miles) 

Fri 1/20 - 60 minutes of running in crazy snow through the trails of Veteran Acres, Sterns Woods, and Covered Bridge.  Wasn't moving too fast, but the run was tough as the snow was coming down hard.  Eyelashes kept freezing up.  Temp 14 (w/ wind 4)  (8 miles)

Sat 1/21 - 49 minutes of running through Boulder Ridge.  Did a few pick-ups throughout the run, but too cold to get moving too fast.  (7 miles)

Sun 1/22 - One of the more dangerous runs I've ever done.  Dark and very icy.  Didn't seem too bad until about 10 minutes into the run and I almost ate it making a turn.  Baby-stepped much of the run as I felt like I was on an ice rink at times.  Any faster than 7:30 pace would have spelled disaster.  Not sure if I accomplished much, other than not falling.  (5 miles)

This wraps week #3.  Total miles for week = 52 miles.  Glad to be back up over fifty after having to miss two days the week before. Goal for coming week is to get close to or at 60.  After about a month now of solid consistent running I finally feel like I can start to add a bit more intensity.  Plan for more hills and threshold reps/runs if weather cooperates.  Plus need to get back to the weight room and get the guns back:-)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week #2 2012 - Jan 9-15

Week 2 off to a good start so far.

Mon, 1/9 - Steady run with progression pick-up the last few miles.  Ran Deer Grove East loop again...knowing snow is on the way.  Felt OK.  Lunch didn't cooperate as my stomach was cramping much of the run.  11.5 miles total

Tues, 1/10 - Time to start adding some strength and flexibility exercises to my weekly routine. 
4 mile warm-up on roads (6:40 pace) - drills on turf - 1 mile steady on track (6:05) - hurdles/squats/bleachers - 1 mile steady (6:00) - flexibility drills - 1 mile steady on track (5:55)
7 miles total

Wed, 1/11 - 3.5 wu to Peacock Valley (extended trail) - 2 x 1k hill circuit - 1 mile steady - 2x 1k hill circuit - 2.5m cd back to school.  Felt pretty sluggish after yesterdays exercises, not real motivated to run hard, but made it through.  Side of left foot a bit sore (I think from muddy trails on monday).  Hill splits sub :50's, sub :30's, :30.  (1:08 total - 10 miles)

Well, had my first hiccup of the 2012 season.  I had hopes of getting a good streak of consecutive days going, but it was not to be.  I've been fighting a cold and sinus infection since the holidays and it finally took it's toll.  Finished the work week well, but had to finally take a break this weekend in an attempt to get healthy.

Thru 1/12 - Snow hit hard today.  Not a lot of places to run and really slick out.  Left forefoot still a little sore from Monday's muddy trail run.  Went 45 min easy with Sheehan (5.5 miles)

Fri 1/13 - Headed out on sole run for 6+ miles steady through town, then hooked up for an easy group run of 3+ miles through snowy Deer Grove.  (9.5 miles)

Sat 1/14 - Had ITCCCA clinic all morning and headed straight to birthday party afterward.  Decided to take day off to rest foot and primarily to end this cold I've had.

Sun 1/15 - Cold seemed to have worsened.  Day off.

Ended week #2 of 2012 with 45 miles.  Short of my goal of 55+, but my cold has seemed to subside

Monday, January 9, 2012

So it begins...Week #1 2012 - Jan 1-8

Each year I have intentions of starting off the year with a solid winter of running and many of those years have been foiled by the hustle and bustle of the holidays...and truly my laziness to get out and run in the cold.  As this 2012 year starts I'm glad to report I had the best Christmas break of running I've had in years.  I ran all but two days of my 17 day break, fit in a couple 12-14 mile long runs (most run 6-8 miles) and was even fortunate to get in a few runs with the old St. Charles North crew. 

2012 miles to date:

Sun 1/1 (New Years Day) - battled the cold and wind for a 69 min run (10 miles) - tough run, felt good on return.  Always good the start the year with a run.

Mon 1/2 - got in a 50 min run on windy golf course (7.5 miles)

Tues 1/3 - ran with Sheehan and the boys through town (7 miles) - young guns decided to hit it hard the last stretch...still got it...I think;)

Feeling a bit sick the past few days....knew we shouldn't have taken the kids to Monkey Joe's over break, as the whole Parks clan seems to have been hit hard.  The next few days could be a challenge.

Wed 1/4 - Ran easy with Courtney Brown toward Fremd (8 miles)  Always nice to run with the Alums.  One of my favorite things to do when they are back from break.

Thur 1/5 - Headed on a solo run into Deer Grove West.  (11 miles).  I know the trails will be snowed over soon enough.  mid-40's and in shorts.  Still battling a nasty cold.  Felt awful.  Wore my GPS to measure route since it was sunny and no leaves to block the signal.  Sub 7 min pace felt really tough not sure if it was me or the GPS.

Friday, 1/6 - Ran 5 miles around trail at Barrington's Bakers Lake and Beese Park.

Sat, Jan 7 - Met Palatine Alums Courtney Brown and Sarah McIntosh at Barrington for a 90 min run through the hills.  (11.5 miles)

Sun, Jan 8 - Easy 3.5 miles around CL

Total for Week #1 of 2012 - 53.5 miles

Fairly pleased with my first week of 2012.  After a solid second half of December on top of this week I already feel like I'm rounding into decent shape.  However, I know I need to be patient.  Build mileage steadily and get in some weights and core work.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year...A New Plan

Like most, I make a resolution or two for myself to start the new year.  And like most they often start well, but fizzle as time drags on.  This year I made a resolution to rededicate myself to my own running and attempt to get into really great running shape.  Many of my friends laugh when I say I'm not in great running shape, but any highly competitive runner understands the difference in being in shape vs. being in SHAPE.  I want to once again get into SHAPE.  To help motivate myself to stay on track and monitor (log) my training/running I have decided to start a blog and write about my running, using it for a way to track my miles and vent about the trials and tribulations of distance running.  The good, the bad, and hopefully the glorious.

It's been over ten years since my college running days (the glory years for most) and I still feel the fire to accomplish great things.  While many of my teammates and fellow competitors have moved on from competitive running (aside from the occasional 10k or marathon, often used to slim a swelling waistline) I still have the urge to train hard and accomplish greatness.  Maybe it's unfulfilled dreams, maybe it's watching my athletes, or former college competitors still tearing up the road, track and trails in their mid-30's (a number of my college competitors will be running next Saturdays' US Marathon Olympic Trials), or maybe it's simply the love I have for the sport and what can be accomplished.  Whatever it is, there is nothing better than seeing the results of a lot of hard work. 

I know this challenge to myself will not be easy.  Working full-time, the demands of coaching a great team, and spending quality time with my wonderful wife and two (soon to be three in May) children will be first and foremost, but I believe if I dedicate myself it can be done. 

Feel free to follow my adventure if you like.  I don't have a plan for what and when I will write and I'm not sure where it will take me, but I have high hopes.  Later
