Monday, February 27, 2012

Week #9 2012 - Feb 27-Mar 4

Mon 2/27 - 2 miles solo (6:13/5:54) before practice on track to check for snow and assess leg.  Felt pretty good.  3 miles with girls, then to track.  Did 8 x 800m at threshold pace - 2:37, 2:37, 2:36, 2:37, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35 with :40 recovery. (Threshold pace for 4:23 mile).  Felt very relaxed and easy the whole way.  Could have pushed a bit more, but didn't want to test leg too quickly. 1.5 mile cool-down with JV group. (9.5 miles)

Tues 2/28 -  Solid eight mile run at lunch.  23:50 out (Around 6:00 pace 1-3, 5:50 mile 4), 22:12 on return (5:50, 5:32, 5:31, 5:19 last mile).  Felt pretty good and decided to push a bit, pretty relaxed most of run, had to work the last 1/2 to 3/4 of mile as I wanted to keep pace going.  (8 miles)

Wed 2/29 - Steady 5 mile (morning loop) with Sheehan.  4 miles to Community and back, plus one mile on track.  4x striders. (10 miles)

Thurs 3/1 - During lunch break.  2 mile warm-up. 2x stride/leg swings/2x stride/hurdles drills/2x stride.  3x (3 x 300m) with 100m jog (approx :40 sec) & 300m set rest (approx 2:00).    First 2 of each set at 1600m pace, with pick up on 3rd.    Set 1 - 50.2, 50.8, 47.6    Set 2 - 50.2, 50.0, 47.8    Set 3 - 50.3, 50.5, 47.6   (:50 is about 4:28-30 pace / :47 is 4:12-4:14 pace).  2 mile cool-down.  Definitely not as relaxed as I had hoped, but really wasn't sure how it would feel as this was by far the fastest effort I've done this year.  Got a long ways to go when it comes to being able to run fast comfortably.  Solid start.  Mid 30's temp...light winds.    (6.5 miles).

4 miles on GBE track before meet started.  Low 6:00 min to 5:50.  (4 miles)  (10.5 miles total for day)

Fri 3/2 - 4 miles steady before practice.  Easy 5.5 to Frontier and back with girls.  Snow got heavy on return.  Easy recovery day overall.  (9.5 miles)

Sat 3/3 -  Snowed over night so workout plans had to be adjusted to Mill Valley.  Planned tempo 800's, but broke them up with varied up-hill pickups up Mill Valley with medium effort 800m downhill.  2.5 mile warm-up / 3 sets of 800m / 2 cool-down.  Windy and cold.  (8 miles)

Sun - Took day off to spend time with family.  Family b-day for Johnny at JJ Twigs.  (0 miles)

56 miles for week. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week #8 2012 - Feb 20-26

Mon 2/20 - President's Day.  9:00am practice.  3 miles warm-up & drills.  Squeezed in Tempo 1k repeats while girls did recovery reps.  3:21, 3:18. 3;17. 3:18, 3:14, 3:12 (5:20-5:10 mile pace) with :60-75 jog rest.  About the same pace I ran 3 mile tempo last week and honestly felt much tougher.  Just goes to show that days off are not all they are cracked up to be.  Sometimes coming back after days off you feel worse than if you just kept your body in that rhythm of running everyday.  Looking back I ran steady on Friday, really easy on Sat, nothing on Sun and today seemed like a shock to the system.  2 mile cool-down on turf.  Arm weights.  (8 miles).

Tues 2/21 - 6.75 with Sheehan before practice (mid-to-low 6:00 pace).  2.5 miles to Peacock Hills.  3x long, 3x entry, 3x curve, 3x Hayleys. (around 2.25 miles)  Hard shift half way up.  2.5 back to school. (14 miles total)

Wed 2/22 - 5 miles with Sheehan before practice.  Then 8 miles with girls as part of their long run.  Abs and push-ups.  Left foot and lower side of leg a bit sore from hills.  (13 miles total)

Thur 2/23 - Kind of a mess today.  Big bad snow hit around 2:00 and started covering everything fast.  Went out and ran 4 miles to assess the damage before practice and not nice enough to go outside.  Did 20 min warm-up in halls, 10 min of drills, 8 x strides, then 5 min cool-down.  Then to pool for 30 min workout.  Lower leg still pretty tight.  (est.  8.5 miles for day)

Fri 2/24 - Pre-meet for team, so got in some extra running today.  3.5 Lindberg loop with Sheehan, then got in another 6 miles as part of girls running for the day.  Did not run hard, as leg was very sore.  Iced, ibuprofen and rock tape.  (9.5 miles)

Sat 2/25 - Got in a few miles on the track before Bolingbrook dual with Quick, Sheehan and the boys.  Leg felt OK, but not great.  (around 3.5 miles)

Sun 2/26 - Took the day off to give my leg a days rest.  Felt much better, but hoped the extra day gives me a good upcoming week.  (0 miles)

Miles for week = 55.5 miles total.  Still a decent week considering I had to back off over weekend due to sore leg.  Leg feeling much better and hope to not miss much this coming week.  We'll see.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week #7 2012 - Feb 13-19

Mon 2/13 - Switched today's scheduled long run to Tuesday, with pending snow on the way.  4 miles steady for warm-up.  Drills & 4 strides.  3 mile tempo run on track - 5:13, 5:17, 5:16.  Felt very relaxed and smooth, but still a tough run.  Could have gone at least another mile or two.   2 mile cool-down.  Leg exercises after.  Temps - mid 30's/mid 20's feels like.   (9 miles)

Tues 2/14 -Kind of a hodge-podge of running today.  Didn't get too much accomplished other than miles, but coaching comes first.  Got in 2 miles before practice, then totaled about 10 miles with the distance crew during their long run day between running ahead a bit and back tracking to check the pack.  Hit a few 6:30's-6:40's at times, but slowed and waited at intersections at times.  Last 4 with Tess and Ellen - 7:15 to 6:55.  (12 miles total)

Wed 2/15 - 4 miles steady solo on track (24:22) / 3 miles easy with girls.  Drills & Hurdles.  16 x 100m - 4:04.7.  2 miles easy cool-down.  Arm weights.  (10 miles)

Thur 2/16 - Long run through Deer Grove East & West.  To East (1x 3 mile path loop), then headed through West on road and exiting at Dundee and Quentin.  Came back on bike path.  Sub 6:20 to low 6:00 most of the way.  Last 4 miles - 5:50, 5:40, 5:35, 5:30.  12 miles in sub 1:15.  3 miles with girls after school.  (15 miles total)

Fri 2/17 - Steady run around frontage to Twin Lakes and back (7 miles).  Drills and strides on turf. (8 miles)

Saturday 2/18 - 5 easy before DGN meet. (5 miles)

Sunday 2/19 - Took day off (only 4th of 2012)  Really tired after Thursday night parent night, SCE meet friday, & DGN meet Saturday. (0 miles)

Total for week - 59 miles.  Disappointed I didn't get over 60 for week.  Estimated I worked over 60 hours this week (not counting 1:30 of commute time each day), just tough to get in the miles I want, spend time with family, and get the necessary rest I need to run well.  Just have to realize some weeks will be much tougher than others.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week #6 2012 - Feb 6-12

Mon 2/6 - 4 miles solo/3.5 miles with girls, drills, 16 x 100m (4:06 total), 2 miles easy.  Lower body exercises.  (10.5 miles)

Tues 2/7 - 3 miles solo/2.5 miles to Peacock with girls.  5 x 1000m hill circuit + 2 x Hayleys (17 total hills), 2.5 back to school.  Pretty cold and windy.  Didn't run hills too fast due to cold temps...faster jog between.  Girls had good cool-down pace back to school.  Upper 20's...colder with wind.  (11 miles)

Wed 2/8 - 4 miles solo(6:25 pace)/4 miles with team easy.  8 x 100m strides.  1 mile easy.  (9.5 miles)

Thur 2/9 - Long run through Deer Grove West via bike path and back. Felt pretty tired most of the run.  Most of the run mid-to-low 6:00 pace, last 3 miles sub 6:00 pace. (14 miles)

Fri 2/10 - Easy 65 minutes with girls.  Brutally cold and very windy.  Had to go really slow due to ice.  (7 miles)

Sat 2/11 - 20 min easy on shelf, 10 x 120m strides, then to pool for 50 min workout.  (calling it 6 miles for the day.) 

Sun 2/11 - Squeezed in a quick run after dinner...late and a bit too close to eating.  Would have felt great if not for eating just before.  Steady pace.  (5.5 miles)

TOTAL FOR WEEK = 63.5 miles.  Another week over 60.  Felt a bit tired this week on long run, but otherwise all is well.  Only 3 days missed in 2012.  Pretty happy with how training is going as I feel pretty strong already.  Just need to be patient, don't get too carried away with overall miles, be consistent and build slow.