Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week #17 2012 - April 23-29

Mon 4/23 - Got in a mix of running while girls did pre-meet routine.  50+ minutes total.  Nothing special, just got in some time.  (8 miles)

Tues 4/24 - Meet day and was at the Ad building for Alive at 25 training all day.  Had little to no time for run.  Got in maybe 2.5 miles before teams started showing up, then some running while cheering team.  (call it 3 miles)

Wed 4/25 - Finally a decent run today.  Easy out to Dryden with girls, came back just under 6:00 pace the last 4.5 miles.  Good, but not great run.  Lower shin sore, but not bad.  Left hip core in morning.  Core work (9 miles).

Thur 4/26 -

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week #16 2012 - April 16-22

Mon 4/16 - 2 mile wu / calves / swings / hurdles.  8 x 800m at tempo effort (with :30 100m jog recovery).  Hit 2:44-2:40 for all.  Very windy on track.  Effort was good, but not great.  Maybe it was the wind, but thought times should have been closer to 2:35/:36. Not 100% focused today.   2 mile cd.  (8 miles)

Tues 4/17 - Had to squeeze in quick run before hosting tri meet.  3 miles to Palatine Hills.  Quick stretch.  Did 8 x hill on bike path.  Not 100% of distance...likely 250m of or so.  Ran 38, 38, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 35. Jog back for rec.   (about 14:00 total)  First time I ever tried this hill.  Ran pretty hard...definitely a good effort.  Steady 3 miles back to PHS.  (7 miles)

Wed 4/18 - Stayed at track while distance crew headed to Reimer and back.  Took Chamberlain and Portillo through track workout, as they are nursing injury.  Did 2x 150, 2x 200, 2x 250, 2x 300, 2x 250, 2x 200, 2 x 150.  Mile pace or so on way up, quicker on return. (Jog across tuff for rec.)  Pretty tough after Tuesdays workout  1 mile cool-down on turf  (6 miles)

Thur 4/19 - 2 mile wu / calves / swings / hurdles / 2 strides.  4 x 1000m at tempo with :60-:70 rec.  Ran 3:14-3:12 (low to mid 4:20 mile tempo pace).  6-7 rec jog, then 8 x 200m with cutdown rest (50-50-40-40-30-30-20)  Hit most in :32-:33 relaxed.  1 mile cd   Leg exercises - lunges, waterpumps, wall sits, leg extensions. (7.5 miles) 

Fri 4/20 - Easy running today with girls during pre-meet.  Much needed after three pretty hard days in a row and very little sleep this week.  Definitely feel very worn down.  Must get better sleep to do the training I want to do.  Left shin sore.  Not sure if it's new shoes (Nike Zoom Elite 5) or track work...likely track work.  (4 miles)

Sat 4/21 - Squeezed in a quick run around the Lake, after Palatine Invite and before heading to surprise B-day party.  Got in a solid 45 min.  Surprisingly felt good after standing at a meet all morning and driving 35 min back to CL.  Pretty jacked after some good PR's for the distance crew helped add some pep.  (7 miles)

Sun 4/22 -  Much needed rest day.  Still wiped out from planning and organizing these meets and all the other work I need to do.  2 down, 3 to go over the next 8 days..  I hope I make it. 

Unfortunately another down mileage week. 40 miles total.  Need to get in a solid long run and add some more miles before practice.  Lower left shin sore on and off, need to ice and get onto some soft surfaces. 

Definitely struggling to get the rest needed to get in the extra miles.  Feel better we've got 2 meets out of the way.  Just have to make it through this stretch the best I can and then get back to work.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week #15 2012 - April 9-15

Mon 4/9 - Institute day today, so ran on own at home.  Rolling Hills loop in 32:09.  Throat still sore, but better, although cold (40's) windy conditions seems to irritate it.  Got moving pretty good last   (5+ miles)

Tue 4/10 - Girls had tri meet at Schaumburg so went for quick run at lunch.  Ran Winston loop reverse into Twin Lake, back Rohlwing.  35+ minutes.  Throat seemed much better today, didn't hurt until standing around for a few hours at meet in cold (40's) and wind.  (5+ miles)

Wed 4/11 - 3.5 mile warm-up with a few quick pick-ups for strides.  Most of the distance crew went for long run.  I stayed back for track workout with Jess and Krista C.  4x 400m (:85 rest-while girls ran), 4x 300m(50walk/50jog rest), 4x 200m(50walk/50jog rest).  Hit 400's in :65ish+/-, 300's in :46, :47, :48, 200's in :29-:30.  Fastest I've gone in a while.  Felt good, but fast.   1 mile cool-down on turf with Jess.  (7 miles)

Thur 4/12 - 3 miles before practice on track (6:08, 6:00, 5:47), then went about 2 miles with JV crew not racing DGN.  Calves, swings, and drills, then 6x stride.   Did JV workout.  3 x 300m, 3 x 200m, 3 x 150m.  Hit 300m in 48, 47, 46, 200m in :28 high-:low :29, 150's in :21-:22 (some walk/jog between sets).  1.5-2.0  10 min cool-down on turf.  (7.5 miles)

Fri 4/13 - Steady long run though Deer Grove, reverse Alemars on return.  Hit last 4 miles in 6:10-5:55 range.  Ran at lunch due to Ritter Invite in evening.    Pretty tired after last couple days of speed.  (9 miles)

Sat 4/14 - Left early for PHS to get in run before Wheaton North Invite.  Pretty tired after late night at Ritter. Got in some running around Deer Grove during 5k race going on.  Wish I knew there was a race, would have been perfect.  Good solid pace most of way, mid-low 6:00.  50+ minutes, then to track for hurdles, form drills, and a few strides.  (8 miles)

Sun 4/15 - Well ended another week on a down note.  Had hoped to get up and run Run Thru the Hills 10k this morning, but had a return of my eye infection.  Not fun. Woke up in middle of night with aching eye, though maybe my contact had slipped behind my eyelid.  Could not handle any light in morning as it was super sensitive.  (0 miles)

Total miles for week = 41 miles.  Man I'm really in a funk right now.  Many training interruptions recently with illness and work schedule (meets).  I've got to seriously get back on track this week, and it will not be easy as we host 5 straight meets over the next 13 days. Been tough getting in my miles, much less being able to actually complete appropriate workouts to run fast.  Need to get in a race soon, to put some purpose behind the work.  GOAL FOR THIS NEXT WEEK.....FIND A RACE, ANY RACE....ASAP!!!!    

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week #14 2012 - April 2-8

Mon 4/2 - Headed out for a few miles before practice.  Did not start well and wasn't sure I could continue.  Back was really sore.  Got through about 3 miles and felt better.  Then did pre-meet Stark run with girls (a bit ahead), followed by hurdles, and 8 x stride with corework.  Then cool-down of 1 mile  (7.5 miles)

Tues 4/3 - Had Dr. appt. at Barrington at 1:30 and left school early.  Said I had eye infection, but otherwise looked OK.  Stopped at Barrington Pond in HE before Tri meet to run.  Went out and back on bike path for 65+ minutes.  Felt OK, but still far from 100%.  Trouble hitting sub 6:30's due to back.  (10 miles)

Wed 4/4 - 2 mile wu/calves/swings/strides.  Did tempo 800's as girls did recovery 800's.  Did 7 x 800m with 1:00 rest +/- (100m jog).  Started at about 2:44 then down to 2:36/7's.  First day in about 10 days I felt remotely myself.  2 mile cool-down.  (8 miles)

Thur 4/5 - Needed to time girls track workout, so running was limited today.  Got in some before practice and part of warm-up.  (5 miles)

Fri 4/6 - Good Friday. No practice.  Got in run around CL toward library and back.  Did low 6:00's on return.  Felt pretty relaxed, but was starving due to light lunch. (8.5 miles)

Sat 4/7 - 1 miles warm-up / hurdles (limited as I had to talk with athlete).  3 mile tempo run.  5:11, 5:13, 5:14.  Pleasantly surprised by today's effort.  After days of sickness it was nice to feel good.  Still nursing a slight sore throat and sinus issues, but definitely better.  Followed with with 8 x 200m at around :31-pt to :32-pt with cutdown rest of 50-50-40-40-30-30-20.  1 miles cool-down.  (6 miles)

Sun 4/8 - Day off.  Still not 100%.  Throat very sore again today.

Total Miles for Week = 45.   Another down week overall, but much better than last.  Still feeling effects of cold and sickness.

Week #13 2012 - March 26 to April 1

This was one rough week.  Sick pretty much the entire time.  Throat, sinus, aches and pains. Barely recall what I did do which was not much.

Mon 3/26 - Ran about easy to frontier and back, plus some on track.  (7.5 miles)  Did not feel great.

Tues 3/27 - Sickness set in.  Took day off and timed girls during track workout.  Hoping a day off would help.  (0 miles - sick)

Wed 3/27 - Felt OK, decided I could handle girls recovery run at Hamilton. plus Courtney Brown stopped over while home for Spring break.  Ran for about 60 min total.  (8 miles)

Thur 3/28 - Feeling worse.  Took Sophia with me to practice since running was out of the picture. (0 miles)

Fri 3/29 - No better today.  Aches everywhere and lower back really sore, not sure if I strained it coughing or carrying kids, but not fun.  Took Eli with me to practice as girls did 600m TT and 150's. (0 miles)

Sat 3/30 - Did not run at practice today, still not well.  Took Sophia and Eli with me as girls had long run to Fremd.  Stopped at Spunky Dunkers before checking progress of girls. 

Frustrated with being stuck in the house.  Felt a little better so decided to get in an easy run from home.  WOW, that did not got well.   Lower back killed.  Stopped after 2 min to stretch.  Felt like a crippled old man.  Ended up going for like 35-40 min or so (maybe 4.5 miles).

Sun 4/1 - After yesterdays disaster did not attempt to go out.  (0 miles)

Horrible week all together.  Only ran 3 days and felt bad every single run.  About 20 miles total for week.